Yummies Fast Food
Yummies Fast food was established In November 2016, fully halaal certified, current owner Rafiq Abrahams and the food truck is my full time employment.
I have always had a passion for food and my dream one day was to run by own small business. I got retrenched from my supervisor job after 10 years and didn’t know what turn to take in my life. At my age getting a good job was nearly impossible and then I decided to start my own food truck business.
Three years down the business is still strong and growing within the market. Yummies fast food has no permanent spot, we do; events festival races, carnivals, corporate events and private parties. Amongst some of the world class events we were vendors at this year’s Two Ocean Marathon, Cape Town Carnival, Heart Music Festival, The Prawn Festival, Jazz on the Lawns to name but a few. We are regular traders at all the races like, Cape Town Marathon. KFM Gun Run, Color Run, Winter Wonderland and trade regularly at Killarney International Raceway.
Please give RAFIQ a call on 0825608921